Addiction treatment is the medical process of psychotherapeutic or medical therapy for addiction to psychoactive drugs including prescription medicines, street drugs like cocaine, amphetamines or methamphetamines, and alcohol. It includes both inpatient and outpatient facilities and follows a specific set of treatment protocols for each patient. The first step is to determine the type of addiction and to seek professional help. Drug addiction treatment centers provide comprehensive addiction treatment services for individuals who have a substance abuse problem, whether they are inpatient or out patient.

In-patient treatment is based on individualized and customized approaches to addressing the problems and needs of the client, providing comprehensive care that covers all aspects of recovery. Family and friends play an integral part in the recovery process by participating in the therapy and being supportive. The initial step is family and friends understanding the nature and effects of addiction, especially that of alcoholism and its related issues. These relationships are strengthened through the involvement of the patient and his or her family in the recovery process. In-patient treatment involves face-to-face counseling and group discussions, which include personalized behavioral and lifestyle-based therapies, relapse prevention planning, individualized stress management, family therapy and life skills development. Alcohol addiction recovery programs incorporate various types of therapies, such as social, medical and psychological interventions, and lifestyle and behavior modification therapies, including support for self-help groups.

A major component of addiction treatment is relapse prevention. The key to long term recovery is realizing that a relapse does not occur from nowhere but is a process that happens over time with consistent patterns of negative choices and behaviors. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The next step is working with your medical doctor, psychiatrist, and other health care providers to develop a comprehensive treatment plan to deal with your unique needs. Your treatment program should be developed around your personal goals and your long-term goals for health, spirituality, career, and life itself.

Generally, addiction treatment includes two types of therapies: inpatient and outpatient. Both therapies offer similar benefits and may require some additional steps and services. The most common types of inpatient addiction treatment are inpatient rehab clinics, outpatient treatment facilities, and short-stay homes. Commonly used forms of therapy in outpatient addiction treatments include individual, couples, group and family therapies.

Many addiction centers offer inpatient treatment, including residential or short-stay homes for patients who do not wish to move into full-time inpatient facilities or who have already completed their inpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment is often associated with more intensive therapies and can include a more extensive detoxification process, more than just an initial stay. Inpatient treatment is also often better suited for people who do not wish to change their primary habits of alcohol or drug abuse, or who are reluctant to enter the restorative process of a traditional rehab or clinic. However, outpatient treatment can be ideal for those who are willing to undergo the process of detoxification in order to achieve a higher level of success and are capable of adhering to outpatient protocols. Most addiction rehab clinics offer both inpatient and outpatient services and often have a mixed package of programs for those who have different needs.

Those who are interested in drug addiction treatment programs should take the time to research each center’s unique needs and benefits. Each individual’s drug addiction treatment will be different and unique. The most important thing is to understand that each person’s experience and condition are unique and should be treated as such. Drug addiction treatment programs are designed to meet the unique needs of individuals. If you are researching drug addiction treatment programs or are currently in the process, it is important to know and understand what your specific needs are.
